Painless travel
Thanks once again to Heather W for the suggestion to travel to Madison via Minneapolis. Today's flight from MSN to MSP left on time; the flight from MSP was delayed by about 20 minutes due to delays getting the plane there from somewhere else, but there were no weather problems in MSP nor huge backlogs of other planes trying to depart. The upshot of which is that I have arrived safely home basically at the expected time, rather than hours or days later.
I gathered as I was leaving that flights through Chicago were having the usual Memorial Day problems. :( But I may have misunderstood. Regardless, I hope y'all who took that route make it home okay.
And for next time, I highly highly recommend the Minneapolis route. I obviously can't guarantee that it'll be better than Chicago, but it sure was this year, and from what Heather said, it sounds like it usually is.
Heather also said, iIrc, that a friend of hers (someone I finally met in person this weekend after long but intermittent online acquaintance) has been known to fly from Vermont to MSN via Newark, just to avoid Chicago.
I'm beginning to feel like flying via Chicago on Memorial Day weekend is kind of like an abusive relationship. The same stuff happens every time, and yet we keep coming back for more. Just say no!
Technorati tag: wiscon.