Archive for Travel

The well-documented Airbnb

(I posted this on Facebook on October 1, but neglected to copy it over to my blog until now.) I’m post-flight quarantining in an Airbnb in Forest Park. So far, I like it. [Edited to clarify: I’m not sick, I’m just isolating for a couple days after my flight.] One of the things I like […]

Family letters: August, 1971

I’m posting four cards and letters this week instead of the usual three; this week covers the rest of our family’s 1971 trip to Philadelphia to see my mother’s mother. It also features the first two letters “from” me—at least one of them includes at least one direct quote from me, but I’m otherwise uncertain […]

Travel day details

Here’s a long detailed post about how my travel day went. (For background, see my post from the other day.) (The first three photos attached to this post show me after shaving in preparation for wearing an N95 mask; the fourth one shows me wearing the mask; the fifth shows me on the plane, with […]

Visiting Oak Park

Short version of this post: I’m in Oak Park for the next couple months. Longer version: After months of uncertainty and waffling, I decided to come to Oak Park to see Mary Anne and Kat. I’m not going to go into detail here about my whole thought process leading up to that decision. I will […]