Tea/launch party at WorldCon, Saturday 12:30-4 p.m.

On the off chance that anyone here who doesn't already know will see this in the next eight or ten hours:

We're having a combined Strange Horizons tea party and Rosenbaum-and-Lake book-launch party on Saturday afternoon.

It'll run from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., in the Sheraton (shorter building). Room 3654, which is the SFWA suite; they kindly sublet the suite to us for the afternoon. Everyone welcome; you don't have to be a SFWA member to get into this party.

Note that the Sheraton is about a ten- to fifteen-minute walk from the convention center. Or you can walk up to 16th and take the free city shuttles over to the Sheraton.

Ben and Jay will be there for the first couple hours, as will copies of their books, if all goes well, thanks to the Borderlands folks. Sadly, Ben and Jay are both scheduled to sign books in the signing area of the convention center at 2:30, so they and their books will be disappearing from the party sometime before then. The last couple hours of the party will be an SH tea party.

We haven't had a tea party at a WorldCon since, I think, 2004. I've been meaning to get back to doing that for years, but I wasn't up to hosting it on my own in 2005 or 2006 (most of the SH staff don't tend to come to WorldCons these days), nor even to recruiting friends to help out, and I didn't attend WorldCon in 2007 in Japan.

But this year Ben wanted to have a book-launch party, and he suggested combining it with a tea party, and Jay joined in, so it looks like it's going to happen after all. Thanks, Ben!

I'll be getting supplies around 11, and setting up around noon, and we'll open the doors at 12:30 or so. If anyone wants to help with the setup, you can show up at noon, or call my cell phone if you have the number. (Or send me email.)

Oddly, I've only seen about ten or twelve of our fiction authors here (including two I hadn't met in person before, and a couple I've seen only in passing), and two or three of our nonfiction authors. (I say "oddly" because I've gotten used to seeing at least 20-30 of our fiction authors at cons. This con seems to have a much lower than usual number of people I know in general.) But I imagine some of our contributors will be at the party. Also, special bonus: one of our poetry editors, Roger D, will be there; I just met him in person for the first time this evening.

One Response to “Tea/launch party at WorldCon, Saturday 12:30-4 p.m.”

  1. Niall

    I’ll be at the Montreal worldcon next year; remind me closer to the time (if I don’t remember myself) about helping out with an SH tea party, because I definitely think there should be one!


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