
Just to give you some idea of how spacey I've been lately:

The other day, Wednesday, my iPhone calendar reminded me to attend my weekly noon meeting at work. I was running late, so I didn't get there 'til 12:15. Nobody was there.

Sometimes that meeting gets cancelled, so I figured that's what had happened. But it was still on my calendar at work (someone usually removes the meeting from the calendar if it gets cancelled), and there were no emails saying it was cancelled. But the room-reservation time sheet posted outside the conference room door didn't list the meeting.

I shrugged and went on with my day.

At 3:00, I was making plans with a friend, who said, "I could have lunch on Thursday. ---Two days from now, not next week."

I started to say, "Wait, Thursday isn't two days from now, it's tomorrow."

And then I realized that it was Tuesday, not Wednesday.

I had spent all day thinking it was Wednesday. Even though that morning I had reminded myself to take the trash out that evening so it could be picked up the next day, Wednesday.

I had missed my weekly noon Tuesday meeting, which is what my iPhone calendar had actually reminded me about, as I would have noticed if I'd been paying any attention to what the alarm/alert actually said. My weekly Wednesday meeting is at 11, not noon, as I would have remembered if I had thought about it at all.

As it turned out, I missed that one too, because this morning I was too groggy and generally out of it to go to work. I napped for much of the afternoon, and then spent a while coughing. I think I may be mildly sick.

But even so, usually I at least know what day it is.

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