Move report

Last night, I reached the total exhaustion point around 11 p.m. (having had about 3 and a half hours' sleep on Thursday night, and 4-5 each of the previous seven or so nights, and having taken a vacation day to pack all day after the movers finished moving the big furniture), so I decided to sleep at the condo (on blankets and such) in order to get an early start on finishing up packing. Which I figured would take only a couple hours.

I was awakened at 3 a.m. by the smoke detector informing me, stridently, that its battery was in urgent desperate need of changing right this very instant or else the world would end!

Somehow I took down the smoke detector and yanked the battery in the dark (the lamps were moved Friday morning), and went back to sleep, and slept 'til around 6:30 a.m., which means I got somewhere around 6 and a half hours' sleep total (the most in at least a week), though that included an interruption halfway through.

And then spent all day packing.

Kam came by and helped for a couple hours in the afternoon. (And Arthur had come by and helped for a couple hours on Friday; thanks much to both of them, and to Twig, who came by and did garden stuff on Friday.) But even with help, I spent basically from 6:30 this morning to about 7:30 tonight packing (and otherwise preparing the condo for the renters).

That phase of the move is now, thank goodness, over. The renters have moved most of their stuff in, and given me a rent check. My stuff is scattered: most of it is in boxes in the condo garage; the big furniture is stuffed into a bedroom in the new house; a few items are in the condo, left for use by the tenants; the remainder is with me now at Kam's.

The rest of the plan remains the same: I'll stay at Kam's for two weeks (during the first week of which escrow on the new house will close), then the new house sellers will move out and I'll move in. At that point I'll either need to hire movers or ask a bunch of friends to come help—there are approximately 80-100 boxes in the condo garage that need to be moved, plus some bookcases. Then a couple months later, the sellers will fetch their stuff from the new house (where I'll be storing it for them until they can move into their new house).

It's all very complicated, and rather reminiscent of one of those fox-and-geese-trying-to-cross-river puzzles.

And at the moment I'm utterly exhausted and kinda thinking I may never go anywhere ever again, not even across the room.

But all the pieces seem to be pretty much in place (knock on wood, fingers crossed); it seems plausible that all this may actually work out.

And it seems likely that I will never again sleep in the condo where I've lived for the past five and a half years. That's an odd sort of feeling. I'm a little bit sad about it, but it hasn't really sunk in yet.

One Response to “Move report”

  1. shmuel

    “And it seems likely that I will never again sleep in the condo where I’ve lived for the past five and a half years. That’s an odd sort of feeling. I’m a little bit sad about it, but it hasn’t really sunk in yet.”

    Yeah. Every time I’ve moved out of an apartment, I’ve taken a moment to say goodbye to it. Which might be ridiculous, but I don’t care.


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