Same-sex marriage debate NOW in NY Senate!

I had pretty much given up on this happening, but the NY state Senate is currently debating the same-sex marriage bill. Not clear yet whether it will pass.

For background, see Tacit Hydra's summary from earlier this year. The short version is that the Assembly has passed it, the governor has said he'll sign it, and the Senate has been avoiding voting on it for months, for a variety of complicated reasons.

Here's the text of the bill, if you want to read it.

And you can watch live video streaming of the debate from the NY Senate website.

If you can't watch the video, or want to catch up on parts you've missed, the New York Times is liveblogging the Senate debate. I wish they would include a few more specific quotes, though. A bunch of what the Senators have been saying has made me cry. Really good stuff. See @eighteenmayors on Twitter for a bunch of great quotes (feed is usually locked, but temporarily unlocked so y'all can see this). Also the more general #NYMarriageDebate hashtag on Twitter.

Keeping fingers crossed.

Added a few minutes later: Debate now over. Voting about to happen.

Added a little later: We lost. Measure voted down: 24 yes, 38 no. :(

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