Some notable forthcoming June events
A few things I'm looking forward to over the next couple weeks:
Wednesday, June 16: Closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial. Lawyers on both sides will respond to questions posed by the judge. The trial will not, alas, be broadcast, but I'm guessing it'll be liveblogged.
Sunday, June 20: Leverage returns to TV with the start of season 3. The two episodes that closed season 2 were probably my favorite episodes of the series so far (even better than the two-part season 1 finale); I'm very much looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Thursday, June 24: iPhone 4 launches. I am so there. The videophone and multitasking and so on are just lagniappe, as far as I'm concerned; the 330ppi screen is enough reason for me to buy it. You can reserve one ahead of time starting June 15.
Saturday, June 26: Octavia E. Butler will be inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame (along with Roger Zelazny, Richard Matheson, and Douglas Trumbull). The Carl Brandon Society is hosting a party that evening, in honor of Butler's induction, at 8 p.m. at the Lake Union Courtyard Marriott in Seattle. It seems unlikely that I'll be there, but it sounds like fun.
(Note added several months later: I somehow got Butler's middle initial wrong when I posted this entry. Corrected now.)