My travel year, 2010 edition, part 2
Travel plans are slightly less hazy than they were a few months ago, but only slightly.
First week in August, I'll be vacationing in Vermont with friends. Finally bought plane tickets for that a couple days ago.
My original plan had been go on leave from work for a while starting at the beginning of August, and to spend most of August on the East Coast. But financial considerations make that less feasible.
So my new plan is to come home after the Vermont trip and work for a couple more weeks, then start my leave in late August.
Last weekend in August, I'll be in New York for a wedding.
Then I fly home for a couple of days; then off to Australia for WorldCon.
Except I still haven't bought a WorldCon membership or plane tickets. Partly just general procrastination, partly waffling over how long to stay. On the one hand, it seems a shame to put in all that travel time on my first-ever trip to the Southern Hemisphere and not see much of the country while I'm there; on the other hand, when I travel it's usually to see friends rather than places, and my only Melbourne-area friend will be leaving town after the con. I have a friend in Sydney, but that's not exactly close to Melbourne.
Anyway, after that I'll spend a while at home; the main point of my going on leave is meant to be to get some downtime. Some reading, some writing, some lounging about, maybe make some progress on furnishing my house.
Sometime in October, I hope to spend a couple of weeks in Boston; I recall it being nice that time of year.
And I hope to make it down to LA and up to Seattle at some point, but I don't know when.