NY, reunion, sleep

Would like to blog about the New York trip I just returned from, but that's not gonna happen tonight. Maybe sometime soon, maybe not.

Arrived home around 4:30 this afternoon; headed off to 25th high school reunion two hours later.

I was kinda apprehensive about it. I had looked at the list of attendees, and had looked them up in my yearbook, and had noticed a few things:

  • Most of the women had apparently changed their last names, so I wasn't sure who they were.
  • Many people in high school didn't put their actual names in their little rectangle of yearbook space.
  • Of those that I could find in the yearbook, only about twenty of the names (out of around 75 attendees) even sounded familiar.
  • Of those, no more than ten were people I had been on even vaguely friendly terms with in high school; the rest were names I'd heard but not people I knew.
  • A lot of the attendees appeared to have been in social circles that I didn't interact with.

But there were a few people I wanted to see, and I figured if all else failed I could just leave early.

And it turned out to be fun. I spent most of the four hours I was there talking with Kim S and her husband, who were the people I'd most wanted to see, having not seen Kim since high school.

I also chatted a bit with Abi, Michelle, Cary, Ziem, and Kristen T (all of whom, I think, I had chatted with at previous reunions), and said hi in passing to John C, Carlos, Peter K, Liz P, and Elan. And I may be forgetting some people.

(Hey! I just noticed that Rafa was on the attendee list, but I didn't see him all evening.)

I'm sorry not to've chatted more with various people. I had intended to, but around 10:30 p.m., I realized I was losing the ability to come up with words, and that perhaps having been up since 4 a.m. (CA time) this morning, I ought to drive home while I still could. So I left abruptly, and it wasn't ’til I got home that I realized I'd neglected to talk with various folks.

There may be another chance tomorrow: I think the plan is to meet at Mitchell Park at 1 p.m. But I'm not sure I'm going to make it.

I'm at home, the first time I'll have more than an hour or so alone since last Sunday. As soon as I finish this post, I'm gonna go to sleep. I may well end up deciding not to leave the house tomorrow.

Then again, I was gonna go to the grocery store, and Mitchell Park is between here and there. So maybe.

Thanks to Liz for organizing the reunion! I was disappointed that more people I knew didn't attend, but I enjoyed talking with those who were there.

OK, me for sleep.

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