Archive for Socializing
This week at work was our annual mini-conference for tech writers from all across the company, called Burning Pen. It’s usually one of the high points of my work year, mostly because it’s really nice to get to hang out with colleagues who I like but don’t see often enough. The talks are often good […]
Gary Chapman’s five love languages paradigm categorizes the kinds of things that make people feel loved/valued. Here’s the original list: receiving gifts quality time words of affirmation acts of service physical touch I find this general paradigm useful—the idea that different people have different modes and approaches that make them feel valued—but I want to […]
[Note: This post is not in response to any particular instance; it’s about a longstanding pattern.] For many years, I’ve been seeing a certain specific kind of response to people expressing pain, and I’d like to respectfully ask people to think carefully about it before giving this particular kind of response. The pattern goes something […]
Jim was in town this week. Good visit—played various boardgames, went through some Puzzled Pint puzzles (you can download past puzzle sets from their archives), chatted about stuff, went to the Moffett Field Historical Society Museum, had a roundsing. Even though I’ve lived in this area for most of my life, I didn’t know the […]
Didn’t sleep much or well on Friday night, I think mostly because I stayed up way too late reading and playing iOS games. Hung out with Karen and Pär and Jeremiah during the day on Saturday, mostly playing Terraforming Mars, which has become one of my favorite boardgames. Then came home to help Kam move […]
I’ve converted my 1996-1997 Wanderjahr travelogue into a blog, using the new site design supplied by Clockpunk Studios. I did...
I guess the sequence started in April? Mary Anne visited the weekend of the 7th and we went to Speakeasy....
I had been planning to have a birthday party this year; partly just because it's been a long time since...
It occurred to me yesterday morning that I'm used to spending several hours a day alone (not every day, but...
A substantial number of my friends live in and near Boston; I realized some years back that it didn't really...
My friend L and I had been hanging out together for a few months, but they almost never asked me...
Every time anyone's asked me how my leave is going, I've had to confess that I've been spending way too...