Some vids
I enjoyed the vid party at WisCONline last week. Here are half a dozen of my favorites—some sweet, some thoughtful, some angry.
- “Come ’Round for Tea” (2014), by Garrideb
- Showing female friendships in Marvel comics, with all the words in word balloons replaced by hearts. (song: “Baltic Sea,” by The Social Services) (2 min)
- “Pipeline” (2015), by Sumana
- About the tech industry’s attempts to bring in women, and the mistreatment that often follows. Content warning: “Implied verbal/emotional abuse, a few seconds of very fast cutting around 1:50,” and a vividly violent metaphor in the epigraph. (song: “Blank Space,” by Taylor Swift) (3 min)
- “I Am the One Who Will Remember Everything” (2017), by chaila
- The Harry Potter series from the point of view of Minerva McGonagall. Content warning: lyrics about child soldiers and orphans of war; also, “some bright flashes.” (song: “I Am the One Who Will Remember Everything,” by Dar Williams) (4 min)
- “Straightening Up the House” (2018), by eruthros
- About the MCU’s erasure of decades’ worth of canonically queer comics characters. Content warning: “Queer erasure (condemned by vid). Suicidal ideation (in comics speech bubbles). Opens with a terrible James Gunn interview.” (song: “Straightening Up the House,” by Romanovsky & Phillips) (4 min)
- “Stray Italian Greyhound” (2018), by beerbad
- “A Professor Marston and the Wonder Women fanvid.” Content warning: “Some internalized & externalized homophobia/polyphobia. Consensual BDSM.” (song: “Stray Italian Greyhound,” by Vienna Teng) (4 min)
- “Candy Girl” (2018), by vassalady
- “A fanvid for the excellent comic Princess Princess Ever After.” (song: “Candy Girl (Sugar Sugar),” by the Riverdale cast) (2 min)
See also the full list of the vids (with links).