Archive for Books
I cannot but read the following innocent passage from Jane Eyre with a certain inappropriate amusement. It's a scene in...
As many of y'all may recall, a year ago I committed the sacrilege of disliking Inkheart (the book). One of...
I recently learned about another modern movie that takes a Shakespeare play and reworks it to set it in a...
T.A. Pratt's Marla Mason series of urban fantasy novels was cancelled last year after four books. Not long ago, the...
A few more assorted notes about cover art on books, especially with regard to issues of portrayals of characters of...
Started reading Pamela Dean's The Secret Country last night on the way to sleep. My comment so far: Having five...
"[W]hat with little sleep and much reading his brains got so dry that he lost his wits." —Don Quixote, chapter...
Happened across a passing reference this morning to Sendak having come out last year (at age 80); looked it up...
I'm not really clear on what the "15 books in 15 minutes" meme is supposed to be about. The instructions...
In a gift shop on Saturday, we came across a kids' book called Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride....
Tad & Deb's YA novel The Dragons of Ordinary Farm is now out from HarperCollins: Tyler and Lucinda have to...
I called my two local independent new-book bookstores, but neither of them had the book I was looking for in...