Archive for Favorite/Important Entries
My history with tabletop roleplaying games
n love languages
Exasperation isn’t necessarily the same thing as sympathy
Alex and testosterone
Of his time
Assorted insights
Silence, agreement, and conflict-aversion
This is a pattern in my life: Someone tells me something. I don't agree with what they said, but I...
A history of online sf prozines, 1985-2010
In October of 2010, I decided to write a history on online sf magazines, with a focus on prozines. I...
Addiction, adult children of alcoholics, etc
I recently had occasion to stop by Addiction is..., a collection of about fifteen nonfiction pieces that, individually and together,...
Talking to people who are going through tough times
This post is something I've been meaning to write for years; I'm finally writing it as a starting point/background for...
What spotlights are for
Many years ago, Arthur E and I were driving somewhere, and we saw a spotlight sweeping back and forth across...