
Found the library book. It was, of course, buried under one side of a stack of papers on my table (not the easily accessible side, so it was invisible from almost everywhere).

Meant to note that I did the same kind of movie moment yesterday. Went over to my storage unit to drop off a check, and found that their office was closed. No problem, thought I, I'll drop a check in their slot. And then I remembered taking my pen out of my pocket, using it, and setting it down on the table. I never go anywhere without a pen; most of the time I have two or three. But just this once, didn't have an extra one on me. Have to go drop off that check tonight.

On an unrelated note, a tidbit from the Interzone interview with Ian R. MacLeod, regarding his story in the same issue (and the milieu it's set in): "I sort-of had The Left Hand of Darkness in the back of my mind, but if you think Arabian Nights meets quantum physics with an Islamic feminist agenda and a touch of Gene Wolfe, you won't be far wrong. All sounds pretty straightforward so far, doesn't it?" Doesn't that make you want to read the story? Gotta love an sf author who cites Thomas Hardy, Proust, D. H. Lawrence, F. Scott Fitzgerald, T. S. Eliot, and Sylvia Plath among his favorite writers.

One more quote before I go have dinner, this one from Fred Small: "Don't be afraid of harmony: harmony is any note that your neighbor isn't singing."

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