
Webmaster Will, source of approximately 75% of all cool URLs, points to a cute Christian Science Monitor article titled "English Sans French," which provides a perfect rebuttal to the remove-references-to-France crowd. It's obvious in retrospect; I wish I'd thought of it.

I'm obliquely reminded that a few years back, I attempted to use the word sans in some documentation. (I think I was talking about VRML worlds with minimal accoutrements, "sans life, sans color, sans sound, sans movement, sans everything" or some such.) (Hey, nifty! I hadn't seen that Phrase Finder site before; pretty cool. I thought I would have to go to for about the fifth time in the past couple days.) All of the engineers who reviewed the chapter circled "sans" and indicated that they thought it was a typo—the only one who knew the word was the guy from France. I was baffled; the word's been part of the English language since the 14th century. But I gave in and rephrased it; if people weren't recognizing the reference, it wasn't funny anyway.

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