It shipped!

My new MacBook hadn't shipped as of yesterday, so I promised myself I would stop compulsively checking the order-status page every couple of hours, because they had said it would ship in 1-5 "business days" so I figured there would be no updates over the weekend.

But just now I woke up and checked email and there's a shipping notification, dated late last night! Apparently Saturday is a business day in China, where it's shipping from (and where it was already today rather than late last night).

It shipped it shipped it shipped!

Estimated delivery date is June 7, this coming Wednesday, so presumably it's not on a slow boat from China.

It shipped!


In related news, Apple is shipping all the parts of my order separately, so iWork '06 arrived yesterday. And FedEx accepted a hand-written signature waiver (which I left on a slip of paper taped to my door) in lieu of the required signature, so that was nice.

The extra MacBook battery doesn't ship until late July; I may see if I can get one through the retail store instead, 'cause in my experience having an extra battery is essential for travel.

One Response to “It shipped!”

  1. Anna Feruglio Dal Dan

    Ah-ha! and you didn’t let me have your old one!

    I did buy a MacBookPro 17″ a few days ago (for a friend, not for me). It is really an immensely cool computer.


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