Archive for Apple
Weird Apple image-display bug
How to schedule a Mac file to open at a particular time
launchctl, scheduling shell scripts on macOS, and Full Disk Access
How to migrate from Things 2 to Things 3
Creating an iOS shortcut to launch an app and set settings
System Integrity Protection, DataVaults, and entitlements
While investigating my Mac issues over the past couple weeks, I keep running into directories that I mysteriously can’t access, even using sudo. Tonight I found out why. Apple has implemented something called SIP, System Integrity Protection, which restricts access to various things. And it turns out that in the latest version of macOS, Mojave, […]
Cyclical stuff
Some features I want in a Maps app
On my iPhone, I use Google Maps frequently, and Apple Maps fairly regularly. I love both apps, but I can't...
Knee injury
Was helping transport KB and T from one place to another, so I carried three-year-old T down some steps. Safely...
Attacking the compiler: Xcode and “Trusting Trust”
The Intercept recently published a long but interesting article about (among other things) CIA-connected researchers' attempts to subvert Xcode, the...
iPhone 6 Plus thoughts so far
I bought an iPhone 6+, mainly because it's almost exactly the size that I've been wanting for an ebook reader...