Welcome, River!

I somehow completely missed the fact that Heather had her baby! More specifically, Tim notes that River Alexander Pratt Shaw was born at 11:50 a.m. on Thursday, November 8.

Yay, River! Yay, Heather! Yay, Tim!

It sounds like the birth itself was pretty stressful, but it also sounds like everyone involved is now doing okay.

Welcome to the world, River! I look forward to meeting you.

3 Responses to “Welcome, River!”

  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for posting this! I’d been wondering, and I don’t read Tim’s journal (and wasn’t smart enough to go look).

    You have another friend who was due right around the same time (damned if I can remember her name): a beautiful very Semitic-looking woman. Any news about her and her baby?

  2. Debbie N.

    That was me; the sign-in didn’t take the first time.

  3. Jed

    Yeah, I think there’s something wonky about the sign-in system; sorry about that. I’ll try and track it down soon.

    The other woman you’re referring to is Nadya, who I think is due in about a week; but I’m not sure, and I haven’t checked in with them lately. Hey, Dan, if you see this, how goes? I’ll drop you a note in email too.

    And another friend, Catie, is due in a month; and another couple of friends are due in about three months. Babies popping up all over the East Bay!


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