Today’s new Google features

Some interesting new time-related features from Google today:

  • Google Wake Up Kit--have trouble waking up? This new Google Calendar feature might help.
  • "Search tomorrow’s web, today" using a cool new web-search feature from Google Australia: gDay™ with MATE™, letting you search the web as it will look in the future. (I especially like the FAQ.)
  • Gmail Custom Time lets you retroactively change the date and time (in your recipient's mailbox, not just yours) on any message that you've sent. You only get ten pre-dated emails per year, but still, pretty cool. Although obviously open to some pretty unethical uses.

You may also be interested in the new collaborative project between Virgin and Google, Project Virgle, the first permanent human colony on Mars. I haven't read all the supporting materials yet, but it looks like a great project. I especially like the pitch on the Become a Pioneer page.

2 Responses to “Today’s new Google features”

  1. Mary Robinette Kowal

    I so wish Virgle were happening.

  2. Peter Hollo

    I like how Google Wake Up Kit is just snuck into the “what’s new” page, so that when you click on “Learn More” it’s a link to the “april fool” google search 🙂

    Virgle caused me great hilarity last night (Australian time)


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