Magazine anniversary year

Mary Anne first started putting together staff for the magazine that became Strange Horizons back around January of 2000, but it wasn't until mid-May that she publicly announced that the magazine would be happening; ten years ago today.

A couple of days later, she gave more info about the motivations and (then-tentative) plans.

We didn't launch until September 1, 2000, so still three and a half months to go 'til the tenth anniversary of the launch. But I figured it was worth noting today as a partial anniversary of a sort.

Another anniversary will come in late June: our very first fiction submission arrived on June 27, 2000.

One Response to “Magazine anniversary year”

  1. Mary Anne Mohanraj

    Ten years! Woohoo!

    I can’t possibly afford Melbourne this year, but I keep wanting to book a ticket anyway, just so we can celebrate at WorldCon…ah well.


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