Be careful posting comments in my blog

For the moment, comments in my blog are working.

But at any time, the spambots could hit the comment script too hard, at which point Pair will disable it, at which point anyone trying to post a comment will see a server error.

So you're welcome to post comments in my blog, but if you do, please copy the text to some other application before you click the submit button, because there's a chance that the system will be broken.

Sorry about this. If anyone has any ideas on how to prevent spambots from trying to post comments, I would love to hear them.

(Note that the big problem here isn't the spam itself; it's the load on the server. So clever spam filters won't help; I want to keep the spambots from even trying to post comments. But I don't think there's a way to do that without disabling comments altogether.)

One Response to “Be careful posting comments in my blog”

  1. Vardibidian

    Well, and you could presumably reduce your page rank, so it would be a less enticing site. I get about a thousand spam a day (fluctuating only slightly between, say, half and twice that) next door. On the other hand, given the marginal costs of the comment spammers, it’s hard to imagine them ever giving up, no matter how trifling and useless their attempts are. But then, I don’t really understand the comment spam business at all…



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