Some Monets I liked
In 2012, I saw a Monet exhibit (in Las Vegas, I think), and took some notes on paintings I particularly liked. I wrote a list in August 2012, but then never posted it. Here it is.
- Matinée sur la Seine, Bras de la Seine Près de Giverny (1897). There are many Monet pieces with names similar to this (such as Morning on the Seine, near Giverny); and given differences in the ways colors display online, it's hard to tell whether this is the one I saw or not. But it's lovely regardless.
- Entrance to the Village of Vétheuil in Winter (1879).
- Valley of the Petite Creuse (1899). The dynamic brushstrokes make it look like everything's in motion.
- Grainstack (Sunset) (1891).