Archive for Favorite/Important Entries
I've observed for a while now (or perhaps I should say "believed") that people generally tend to notice evidence that...
The Internets have been full of panic and outrage today over Amazon allegedly instituting a new policy that any book...
A long discussion of anonymity and pseudonymity.
A year ago, I saw a video made by Disney, some kind of management-training sort of thing. It had various...
"Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, [and] turning on your home computer to read the day's...
Last night, I thought to myself, "Isn't it about time for the solstice?" But then I forgot to check. Fortunately,...
I'm still planning a post about author gender issues in general, but for now I just want to mention one...
A couple of weeks ago, I read a particularly long run of submissions with particularly unfortunate anti-woman aspects. All sorts...
Lengthy notes on stuff I like in fiction.
I think I joined the original Six Degrees site, way back when it first launched, just 'cause I was curious...
A call for newness in worldbuilding.
tacityhydra just mentioned the Mo Movie Measure in passing; I was going to post this comment in response to that...