Archive for Gender
Ted Lasso
Levithan’s use of “his” turns out to be a typo
Gender balance in older sf anthologies
Tenn’s “Masculinist Revolt”
Russ on misandry
Andre Norton, gender, and The Zero Stone
On Shane, toxic masculinity, violence, and vicious cycles
I think it’s fascinating to observe toxic masculinity in action in Westerns. (Some quasi-spoilers here for Shane (1953).) In this...
Underground’s metadiscussion of slavery narratives
I'm watching Underground season 2, episode 1, “Contraband,” and I just got to a scene in which one of the...
On the difficulty of recognizing one’s own biases
Another lesson for me on the difficulty of seeing outside your own cultural context: In Delany's City of a Thousand...
In defense of Marvel and diversity
This is a long impassioned post in which I try to come to the defense of Marvel comics. The TL;DR...
Gender balance in some old anthologies
Interim report on my father's sf anthologies: 25 sf anthologies recorded in my spreadsheet so far, published from 1953 through...