Archive for Humor
I just picked up the printed book of The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage, and so far it's regularly...
Short version: All CDs of ZBS audio productions are now available at half price! If you like Welcome to Night...
I wrote this the other day for a discussion of (among other things) works that do and don't pass the...
I've written before about marvelous storyteller Willy Claflin. Today in the car his story “Emerson's Chevrolet” came up in my...
Last night I was pretty upset because the radio in the room I was renting wouldn't turn off. My friends...
A couple months ago, I was riding my bike home from work and I made some kind of minor interacting-with-other-people-in-traffic...
(I wrote this entry in July, but was reluctant to post it at the time. Now that I'm ready to...
Kam and I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium's new Tentacles exhibit over the weekend. I was telling Arthur about it,...
Pat (Spencer Tracy) and Jamie (Katharine Hepburn) are on a sleeper train, and the following dialogue ensues: Jamie: Would you...
Me: Oh, no! My phone has run out of battery! Me: Alas! I cannot read while I walk, as I...
First there was Call Me Maybe (3-min video). This guy Stephen Kardynal went on Chatroulette (the site where you can...
Still enjoying Laurie Colwin's 1978 novel Happy All the Time. Here are a couple more bits worth snipping for my...