Archive for Loud Car Guy
This morning’s loudness
This morning started out on the wrong foot: I was awakened at 6:40 a.m. by what sounded like a very...
Louder car guy
Another one of Those anecdotes from Jed's life, plus some quasi-advice.
Assorted housing-related notes
Worked at home today, as I usually do on Wednesdays. The water was shut off for a few hours in...
Bad and good
The bad news is that the saga of Loud Car Guy continues once again. We'd reached an uneasy equilibrium: he...
Boy has no brain
It seems to me to be a bad design choice: when I get tired, my decisionmaking capacity is impaired, and...
Flies with honey
Left a note for Loud Car Guy late Sunday night, outside his apartment. Apologized for various bad behaviors on my...
I suspect I've long since passed the point of being tiresome about Loud Car Guy, but yup, this is another...
Quick sleep update
As an update to last night's entry: I slept in the living room again last night, and slept fairly well....
May be time to move
Warning: Whiny rant follows. Over the weekend, I slept better than I have in weeks, though still not enough to...
Vacation day
J was in town and had the morning and afternoon free, and today would've been Alex's 35th birthday (some day...
Has it really been three and a half days since I last posted? Time flies. Not sure I have anything...