My WorldCon schedule I'll be arriving in London on Wednesday morning; Mary Anne and I will spend the day hanging out and battling...
Lucy and the Guardians at the box office When I saw the trailer for Lucy a few months back, the movie looked pretty bad to me, but I...
Awesome lesbian-protagonists comic: Supercakes Mary Anne posted a link earlier to an awesome and charming and funny and sweet and thoroughly lovely 12-page comics...
Diversity ads I feel like there's been an amazing spate of pro-diversity advertising in the past week. Some links: A new Cheerios...
Sturgeon on monogamy Theodore Sturgeon's 1951 story “Rule of Three” (spoilers!) features two tripartite energy beings who embed themselves in six humans, and...
“Shore Leave” and the back rub I've been occasionally rewatching Star Trek: TOS episodes. Tonight, foiled by a stomachache from my original plan of attending various...
Group-of-people pejoratives, part 1: “gay” This is part 1 in a planned series of posts about terms that are used as generic pejoratives but that...
Law and Downey on the Sherlock/Watson bromance Every time I try to link to this quote, I discover that none of my links to it are easily...
Some notes on Card Some notes toward the blog entry that I'm probably not going to manage to write about Orson Scott Card and...
My uncle’s thriller The Kairos launches today My Uncle Paul's novel The Kairos is now available from Amazon!
Before Stonewall I don't remember when I first encountered Tom Wilson Weinberg's Ten Percent Revue; sometime in the early '90s, probably. I...
Items: Assorted More window-closing, this time with no particular theme: Man arrested at Large Hadron Collider claims he's from the future. When...