Archive for Relationships
Visiting Oak Park
n love languages
Polyamory and friendship
I have several half-written posts about polyamory and what it means to me, but those aren't likely to be in...
Mary Anne’s and my anniversary
Today is Mary Anne's and my 18th anniversary. Happy anniversary, Mary Anne! I'm not feeling creative enough to write anything...
Belated Beltane
A week ago was May 1. I meant to write something here about Kam that day, and then every day...
Sturgeon on monogamy
Theodore Sturgeon's 1951 story “Rule of Three” (spoilers!) features two tripartite energy beings who embed themselves in six humans, and...
Fourteen lines for fifteen years
Yesterday was Mary Anne's and my fifteenth anniversary. I've been thinking about relationships, and about Wendell Berry's poem “The Country...
Mary Anniversary
Today is Mary Anne's and my fifteenth anniversary. I'll be heading off to Chicago for a few days this afternoon....
How the years go by
It occurred to me Sunday evening that it's been fifteen years (plus a week) since the end of my Wanderjahr....
Mary Anne on graceful exits
Good stuff from Mary Anne about how to leave room for a polite no when flirting or otherwise expressing interest...