Archive for Religion
Day of Remembrance for the incarceration of Japanese Americans
Today is a Day of Remembrance: the 75th anniversary of FDR's executive order to incarcerate Japanese Americans. A bunch of...
Ordinary miracles: hymns for agnostics
The other day on Facebook, Kat said something about hymns for atheists, which reminded me of a playlist I put...
Lack of condemnation doesn’t equal approval
I still haven't finished writing any of the real blog posts I want to write about the Hugo situation. For...
Talking to people who are going through tough times
This post is something I've been meaning to write for years; I'm finally writing it as a starting point/background for...
Some links about Narnia
I just read a lovely, excellent piece by Molly McArdle on the joys, and failures, of Narnia. “I write as...
Muslim teen girl superhero comic is awesome
I've been seeing a lot of enthusiasm out there for the new Ms. Marvel comic-book series, starring a 16-year-old Muslim...
A future anti-religious US?
I've seen a fair number of sf stories (submitted to SH over the years) set in a future USA in...
My uncle’s thriller The Kairos launches today
My Uncle Paul's novel The Kairos is now available from Amazon!
I flip my latkes in the air sometimes
At the latke party tonight, I was wondering why they were playing “Dynamite,” by Taio Cruz, a popular song with...
Same-sex marriages in NJ Jewish newspaper
The New Jersey Jewish Standard recently published a wedding announcement for a marriage between two Jewish men. And then a...
Elizabeth Moon’s citizenship entry
Spent much of this morning reading comments on Elizabeth Moon's deeply unfortunate LJ entry about Islam. I was saddened by...