Archive for Robots
This set is somewhat miscellaneous, but a lot of it has to do with cool toys: hardware, software, and other....
I've been posting a lot of personal stuff, and occasional sf-related stuff, but not very much Links To Cool And/Or...
Went to Jay's memorial gathering for Peter yesterday. Planned to just stop by for half an hour or so, but...
We're back from Robot Stories. I'll write a real review of it at some point, but I wanted to briefly...
I've got a plethora of links saved up once again; haven't had time to post much lately. Also, not much...
The fake robot-ad trailer for the upcoming I, Robot movie came out a few months ago, but now there's a...
Nifty 20MB QuickTime video of Cyberflora at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in NYC—a robotic flower garden that reacts to...
The latest robotic NASA mission to Mars seems to be a success so far; the rover, named Spirit, has transmitted...
Someone recently wrote to Mike Resnick (and Resnick quoted in his “Ask Bwana” column in Speculations) about Asimov's robot stories....
Asimov's First Law of Robotics states: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human...
Like the idea of Aibo, but feel it isn't anthropomorphic enough? Now Honda is selling an Aibo-like walking robot that...
According to the New York Times, Johns Hopkins is developing "a robot that can move about inside a library and...