I was going through old mail, found a pointer to a good Ursula Pflug story, "Skyrise," at Chiaroscuro. Which led...
I can't resist adding, as a footnote to that previous entry, one of my favorite anecdotes about me-as-a-kid: My room...
I told Kam that one of my goals for this weekend was to clean my apartment. I didn't really believe...
About a week ago, Karen sent me a link to that "Brother, if you don't mind..." story by Usman Farman....
Just saw this discussion from last November and December in an online forum about what would happen if a passenger...
What I really meant to say in the previous entry was that I've been running into a lot of WWII-era...
I've been reading the Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon series, edited by Paul Williams. (We interrupt this entry for a...
Thank goodness for Barbara and David Mikkelson, the folks who run the Urban Legends Reference Pages. They're on the job...
Catherine Pellegrino adapted Peggy's stars-and-stripes peace symbol into two GIF images, at different sizes. If you like them, by all...
I forgot to mention: Strange Horizons received our 2000th fiction submission this morning! That's an average of a little under...
Interesting article at HMS Beagle on scientific accuracy in movies and TVcovers some of the same ground all such articles...
I probably could've summarized that last entry by just saying this: Lynch mobs thought they were justified too. But inside...