1972, January 30: Letter from Marcy to G&H

This letter is undated, but the second half of it refers to being the “end of January” and a Sunday, which leads me to think that it was completed on January 30, 1972. It’s possible that I have the year wrong—that it was written in 1973, for example—but it’s on an Another Mother for Peace notecard, and I think Marcy was using that organization’s cards and such mostly in 1972.

I’m not sure whether this was the letter left behind in a diaper bag that Marcy referred to in her previous card.

Dear Grandma & Grandpa

we were truly glad to hear from you, glad you liked the pictures (she said xxx modestly, as she looked at a print herself) & good to hear what’s doing.

Never did get to tell you that there’s a thing that happens with your presents…it’s that sometimes they sit around for a year or even more before their true worth is appreciated. Take Winnie the Pooh, for instance. When you sent him, you could indeed have taken him for all Jed cared. Stuffed animals didn’t mean much and who was W.t.P anyway? But now that he’s met them (books & TV) and loves to hear about the “silly old bear” in all his amazing adventures, Winnie is a constant companion. I’ve fixed him twice, & he’s about to get 4 patches.

Jed went to the dentist today—he’s being very brave about it all.


Why is it I can never finish a letter in one sitting?

We hear Paul & Linda are going to Europe—sounds very exciting. When will they go? We haven’t heard from them for a long time—nor they from us, for that matter, except for a long-time-assembling Christmas package.

Jed just got some new sneakers (tennis shoes to you westerners) of red-white-&-blue. Joaquin is nakedly gobbling up my latest masterpiece: homemade pizza. We’re preparing to go to my cousin’s for dinner, thence to friend’s in the country for a day or so. Peter will pick us up Monday night or Tuesday.

End of January—time to make garden plans.—June is coming!

We love you & miss you


P. S. The warmth of your Christmas phone call stayed with us for days—it was truly wonderful!

Thanks for the labels, too

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