Archive for 1977
Peter tells Dobe about trying to give up alcohol, Marcy leaving her bookstore job and switching to eating only raw foods, a $4 million idea for putting sleeping cots in cars, going to Disneyland for the first time, other stuff we’d all been up to, and lots of books that Peter had been reading.
A brief thank-you note from Jay for some birthday presents.
A brief thank-you note from Jed for some birthday presents. (My first letter written in cursive!)
Notes from Peter and Marcy in anticipation of George and Helen coming to visit. And possibly the first recorded indication of Marcy’s illness, though I’m not sure of that.
Marcy and Peter send thank-yous and life updates—thoughts about a local cat lady, a raw-food diet, jobs, and more. “In preparation [for a job search], I trimmed the beard last night—the scissors slipped, it’s one-thousandth of an inch long now.”
Peter is excited about a couple of job-like prospects. “I don't think you heard about Mr. Duran, a millionaire in Los Angeles that Marcy & I talked with about a job—and HE’S GETTING ME ONE! (Really!)”
Marcy talks about various trips and plans and life updates. “But today we got up too early for [a kid who was visiting] & he was tired, and ’Quin fell off an airplane wing (an old Navy fighter, painted blue and sealed and set in a huge sandpit and made safe for kid climbers) and I had to sit and judge the relative merits of their respective grouchinesses.”
Addendum to the previous letter, thanking George and Helen for gifts and mentioning that a couple of friends got married.
Postcard from Marcy talking briefly about Peter’s job hunt.
Peter has a new job; Marcy sends a life update. “Travel is very close to my heart, but I’ve never been able to do so in style & comfort, like a turtle.”