Archive for From Jed
In which I see a bear at Yellowstone. “bears are dangerous & they can swat you with their paws”
Letter “from” me to George and Helen, and passing along an earlier postcard that had been from me to Ethel. “Please keep this postcard for me till I get there.”
In which Laurel and I go to Children’s Fairyland.
In which “It was very nice of you to send” various items.
Marcy tells George and Helen about Peter’s suddenly dire academic situation, and I tell them about my Play-Doh coin press. “I have a play-doh game. It’s about the play-doh getting squeezed out and it will make a king and a queen.”
In which balloon stationery makes me think of The Red Balloon.
A postcard that just has my name written on it.
A thank-you note for some napkins, from our new home in Stockton.
Explanation of a drawing by me, discussion of what Jay and I were up to, some gardening thoughts, and a detailed discussion of Peter’s recent work changes, especially his drama-filled salary negotiations. “Niel asked the Board of Directors for the extra raise [for Peter], and they refused...on account of the Chairman of the Board was in a personal conflict with Niel and was refusing all his requests across the board that evening. So Niel raged and ranted, and next day both of them (Niel and Peter) turned in their resignations.”
Five undated notes, mostly involving art by Jed and Jay, with descriptions. “This is a give-away machine. If anybody wants to give away something, you put it in here.”