Archive for Harbinger
Marcy’s first letter to George & Helen, a note planning impending travel. “Dear Mrs H__, Mr H__, & all…”
Peter extols the virtues of the Harbinger commune. “it’s very difficult for me to begin to tell you what’s happening for us, without your being here to feel for yourselves the spirit of this fellowship, here, and now… but i have to try, it’s so beautiful…”
A followup note from Marcy. “your favorite grandson weighs 17¼ pounds and can turn over by himself in both directions (though sometimes he turns to his front & is very surprised about being there so suddenly) and is beginning to resemble a zeppelin more than anything.”
The last update from Harbinger. “I’m doing well in the 3 classes I’m taking, Japanese, shorthand, & biology, & I’m tutoring mathematics & studying matrix calculus & quantum mechanics…”