Archive for Post-Harbinger
Peter enthuses about various geometry things, especially an alleged method for trisecting an angle. Also, Marcy gets interested in Morse Code. Also: “BIG NEWS! jedediah has TWO new teeth, for a total of FIVE!”
Post-Harbinger, Peter applies for many jobs but fails to get one. “doing odd-jobs around the place (plenty odd, like stringing barb-wire fencing, collecting guinea-pig manure for the organic compost-heap i’m building, building spice-racks for kitchen, repairing a shower-flex-hose, changing baby’s diapers, mopping floors, painting tarot cards, cooking (soups & salads)”
In which Peter and Marcy become members of the Church of World Messianity and learn to channel healing spiritual light. “The technique of Johrei is to channel the Divine Light of God into the person's spiritual body, and this radiant energy clears away or dissipates or disintegrates the spiritual clouds…”
Peter tells his brothers about his experiences learning about Johrei and spending a couple days in jail in lieu of paying a traffic fine. “will now recapitulate recent events leading to this point in space-time”
In which Peter and Marcy and Jed bake bread and visit two of Peter’s brothers. “If you liked the bread, it was because of the fantastically good leftovers here--there was that morning's leftover oatmeal in it, and leftover rice, and leftover miso-soup[…], plus whole-wheat flour, rice flour, soya flour, […] and honey… and of course the vital ingredient, love…”
Peter suggests to his parents that they should write a book about how (not) to be bad parents. “the book would be entitled, 'How to Help Your Children Become Juvenile Delinquents'”
Marcy lets G&H know that she’s pregnant. “Next grandchild due in Jan, Feb, or March”
Peter and Marcy and I visit Peter’s brothers in prison. “what a lovely birthday present. It was just what we needed, at that very moment, due to circumstances which will presently unfold.”
In which we move again. “[Jed is] fully weaned & very happy, got his own trike this weekend, but can’t quite reach the pedals yet.”
In which Peter is really interested in the idea of the enema as a purificatory gift from God. “Next, we are told to cleanse ourselves by the power of ‘the Angel of Water’ —— by swimming & bathing, and by self-administering enemas[…]”