1974, March 25: List of birthday presents for Jed

This item isn’t a letter; it’s a list of presents to send us (mostly for me for my birthday), in Helen’s handwriting, stapled to the back of a UPS receipt.

Jed’s b-day pkg

Leathercraft (77¢) .80
Pop stick craft (77¢) .80
“Baseball” napkins (?) .25
Inflatable table decoration (?) .25
B-day card with game (?) .10
2 white shirts 0 0
1 brown turtleneck 0 0
Everyone: “Tiddledy Winks .30
Joaquin: Inflatable chair $100
Youth silver set

Packed in Anne L’s black suitcase

I’m not sure how to interpret the two prices for each item. I thought maybe the second price was the cost of shipping or something, but the UPS receipt shows the total shipping cost for the package as being $1.65.

2 Responses to “1974, March 25: List of birthday presents for Jed”

  1. 1974, Spring: Letters from Jed to G&H – Peter, Marcy, Jed, and Jay

    […] (The leathercraft set was one of the birthday presents that they sent me that year, as indicated in the previous post.) […]

  2. 1974, April 12: Letter from Peter to G&H – Peter, Marcy, Jed, and Jay

    […] assume this was the suitcase containing my birthday presents, plus some other presents for other family […]


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