Archive for Spam
Spam subject line: 5 Dangerous Lies about Bread I didn't read the message, but I assume this is what it said: Bread will creep into your house at night and steal all of your valuables. Bread is a minion of Satan, and you are what you eat. When you spread peanut butter on bread, the […]
A piece of spam email that got past my spam filters the other day included a link to a web page that had the filename macrodactylous_misarchism.html. I suspect that the filename was generated by software that took two random words and strung them together; sadly, there don’t seem to be any web pages that are […]
Spam subject line: Strange 11-Letter Word That Doubles Your Metabolism Wow! A strange word, a long word, and a word that has an effect on the real world, all in...
In my mail interface, there's a column showing the name of the sender of the email, but that column isn't very wide. So the mail application truncates long sender names...
The other day, Kam and I watched the Lost (season 2) episode titled “The 23rd Psalm.” And she joked, “The 23rd Psalm—isn't that ‘I must not fear; fear is the...
Spambots that post comment spam in blogs apparently have a synonym system: they take a piece of text, and they substitute in synonyms for a bunch of the words and...
Still clearing out old comment spam, but close to done. Most of the time, spambots either enter non-name phrases into the Name box or use pretty ordinary names. But I...
Recently saw a spam subject line that I thought said "Succeed in a truth economy." Which brought all sorts of interesting science fictional ideas to mind. Until I saw that...
As noted in my main blog, I've been clearing out my spam mailbox lately. Here are some of my favorite subject lines from spam messages I've seen recently. I'm especially...
My main blog has been receiving a lot of comment spam lately. Annoying, but the upside is that some of the comments are mildly entertaining: they're posted by a spambot...