
(Sumana pointed out recently that I've been remiss in updating this blog lately. I'll try and post a catchup entry sometime soon, but for now just a note about today.)

Today (as in Tuesday) was the 12th anniversary of my start date at my current job. If you had told me in 2004 that I would still be there twelve years later, I wouldn't have believed you. (For that matter, if you'd told me I would still be there a year later, I might've been pretty dubious.)

I celebrated by getting a flu shot at work. The flu shots are administered by a third-party organization that requires recipients to fill out a form providing more identifying information than I think is reasonable; in the past, I've wasted time convincing the staffers (who are just following their organization's rules) that they didn't actually need all that info from me, but this time I just filled in fake info. There was a moment when the person giving me the shot noticed that I had listed my birth year as 1900 and gently suggested that there must be some mistake; but I said I had written that because I didn't want to give my actual birthdate, and they accepted that without further question. I don't think they noticed the fake email address.

I also celebrated by riding my bike to work for the first time since I got back from my time off. Last week I was still a little sick and didn't want to risk it (in the past, when I've tried biking to work while sick, it's sometimes set off weeks' worth of coughing), and Monday I had errands to run that needed a car, but this morning I pumped up my sadly neglected bike tires and had a nice sunlit ride to work. The ride up the overpass was harder than I expected; even though I got more exercise during my time off than I usually do at home, I'm apparently not in great shape for biking up small slopes. More practice needed.

This evening, I celebrated further by eating some tasty grapes and some also-tasty honeydew melon, and by watching the first episode of the new season of Jane the Virgin.

(All of these things are things I would've done regardless of the workiversary, but I figured I might as well label them as celebrations.)

Addendum, a few minutes later: I forgot to mention two more things from this morning:

  • Sorted and tagged about 150 digitized photos from around 1986, mostly high school photos supplied by friends. (I didn't have a camera and unfortunately hated having my picture taken.) Lots of nice little nostalgic moments.
  • I found three pieces of art (two of them by Kat B) that I had had to take down off the wall at various points, and hung them all back up. A lot of the art I want to hang up is waiting for me to get it framed, but these particular pieces were already framed so there was no reason for them not to be on the walls.

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