Archive for Apple
For the past couple days, my computer has been doing something unfortunate: it suddenly powers off. No warning; just suddenly...
I meant to write up a bigger and more comprehensive post about this, but since there's a time-sensitive aspect, I'll...
A couple hours ago, I plugged in my iPhone to sync it to my computer. A series of iTunes dialog...
There are rumors and other indications that Apple will be releasing upgraded Macs and iPods in late September. So if...
It's always frustrating when you buy a piece of hardware (such as a computer) and then an upgrade/revision appears on...
I got an iPhone! It is way cool. And now I'm going to sleep....
I heard something yesterday that may put the kibosh on my plan to buy an iPhone tonight: Using iPhone with...
I forget whether I mentioned here that the main page of the TSA website crashes Safari. If you're using Safari...
One of the few things that I'm very dissatisfied with on my new MacBook (yes, the one that arrived from...
Google Video Player is now available (free) for Macintosh. Which also means that Mac users can now purchase copy-protected videos...
I'm posting this from my brand new sleek black MacBook. Exciting! Pretty! Shiny! Some initial impressions: Some things are really...
My new MacBook hadn't shipped as of yesterday, so I promised myself I would stop compulsively checking the order-status page...