Archive for September, 2007

Patience with tantrums

Peter told me (at some point in the past ten years or so) that when Jay and I were kids, he used to take us to the store sometimes when he went shopping. And he said that if one of us started throwing a tantrum inside a store, he would just take us outside, sit […]

No Gremlins

Most of the time, Peter didn’t restrict our reading or viewing. (Other than the fact that we didn’t own a TV from the time I was small ’til mid-high school–but we were allowed to watch TV at friends’ houses.) We had the full run of his bookshelves; I was reading his old science fiction as […]

Book clubs

Peter would sign up for book clubs, but never paid any attention to their flyers or catalogs. When the month’s automatic selection arrived in the mail, he would carefully open the invoice attached to the outside to see what the book was, and if it wasn’t one he wanted, he would re-seal the invoice and […]