1969, September 23: Postcard from Marcy to G&H

Dalí’s “The Sacrament of the Last Supper”
Dalí’s “The Sacrament of the Last Supper”

Sure enough, a month after that last letter, we had moved again. This time, it looks like we only moved about three blocks, although the city name was different.

Marcy wrote this note on a postcard of Dalí’s The Sacrament of the Last Supper (1955). “National Gallery of Art, Washington—Chester Dale Collection. Available as a New York Graphic Society Print, size 19" x 30". Pallas Postcard 1244. […] The Pallas Gallery Ltd., London, WI. Printed in England.”

10819 San Pablo Avenue

El Cerrito, California 94530


September 23,


Hello, we’ve finally done it – we’re moved into a lovely big 3-bedroom house, right near the previous one, sharing with a lovely couple, Jeff & Susan, and finally getting settled enough to start thinking about writing down our myriad thoughts on your mouses. Coming very very soon, honest. Jed can even say mouse to remind us. He’s fully weaned & very happy, got his own trike this weekend, but can’t quite reach the pedals yet.

Best to Paul & Linda. Love, P, M, & J.

I have no idea what the mouses thing is about. A later letter seems to imply that George and/or Helen wanted to write a children’s book featuring mice? Maybe?

Facebook post for this letter.

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  1. Family letters: late 1969 – Lorem Ipsum

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