1971, July 28: Postcard from Marcy to G&H
Apparently in the summer of 1971, we traveled to Philadelphia to see Marcy’s mother, Ethel. I have very vague memories of a visit to Grandma-in-Philadelphia as a kid, but I think that must have been another visit a few years later; I was only three years old on this trip.
I assume this was the first time that Ethel met us kids. History does not record what she thought of us, nor we of her.
Anyway, apparently we drove across the country, maybe visiting George and Helen in Tacoma first. During that week-or-so-long drive, we wrote a few postcards. Below is the first; I’ll also post the second one this week, and then the rest of them next week.

On the back of the postcard is printed “Palmer Lake & Chopaka Mountain. North Central Washington State is the setting for this hunting and fishing paradise.” “C-796” “Ektachrome by Chet Swain.” “Published by Ellis Post Card Co., Arlington, Washington” “108964”
Hi, wish you could be here, even tho it ain’t Missoula yet. All’s well, (tho we forgot the cheese.) We’re past Ephrata (& George & Martha) on the way to Grand Coulee Dam, not far off the original road. Stopped at Ginko petrified forest—magnificent polished rocks & Indian petroglyphs. Insurance all set, but the man said the place we applied previously might have cashed the check we gave ’em even though we didn’t complete the application. So they’ll return our $ w/their own check. if they did, the check we wrote you might bounce—we’ll clear it as soon as possible
xbut warn you just in case. Probably a false alarm, anyway.love & many thanks.