Video roundup, part 1

It's been a while since I've posted a collection of videos, and the links keep rolling in. So here's a whole bunch of them. Sorry so many; I tried breaking them up into categories to reduce the overwhelmingness, and I split the total set in half (I'll post part 2 tomorrow).


  • Preview of C for Cookie, the V for Vendetta remake for the kindergarten set.
  • Jack Black/Sarah Michelle Gellar LotR parody, apparently done for the MTV Movie Awards, and apparently featured on one of the LotR DVDs. Warning: the word "penis" and related concepts figure prominently.

Joss Whedon-related:

  • Joss Whedon's speech as an honoree at an Equality Now event, about the question reporters often ask him: "Why do you write these strong women characters?" Worth watching all the way through. (The first two minutes are Meryl Streep talking about Whedon's mother; that part is interesting too, but if you're short on time you can skip ahead to Whedon's arrival onstage.)
  • Geek Week interviews some guy dressed up as Joss Whedon at Wizard World LA 2006. This is the full 15-minute episode of Geek Week (not just the excerpt that was posted elsewhere); the first half features a running joke in which Jack, one of the three interviewers, tries to find Joss Whedon to interview him but keeps failing. By halfway through, Jack has discovered (after a long time standing in line) that Joss Whedon isn't actually present at the con. So start watching around 8:39 (when Jack's producer confronts him about Whedon's absence) and continue through to 14:10. (For those who wondered, it's very clear in the full version that Geek Week was in on the joke.)

Technology, machines, and Microsoft-bashing:

Video games:


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