Archive for Blogs
I’ve had a few conversations recently about blogs and Dreamwidth and RSS feeds and how to go about reading them in the modern era, so I thought it was worth posting about the app I’ve been using. It’s called News Explorer, and I should start by noting that it’s Apple-ecosystem-only, so it won’t be useful […]
One nice side effect of using WordPress is that comments on posts automatically display Gravatar user images. So if you comment here, and you want some sort of image or icon to appear next to each of your comments, then stop by Gravatar and create an image for yourself. Gravatar images are associated with email […]
I've been meaning for months to blog about specific works and people I'm going to nominate for the Hugos, and...
If you have a certain type of self-hosted blog (see below), I recommend doing a quick Google search for various...
Kam has started blogging again. So far: quotes, notes, phot(o)s, and other wrotes. (Can you tell I'm not quite awake...