Archive for Communication

Accessibility in online gathering spaces like Gather and Kumospace

I’m seeing reactions that I think are worth signal-boosting regarding conventions held in virtual spaces like Gather (aka GatherTown) and Kumospace. The core of the issue is that although those kinds of spaces may be really useful and accessible for some people, they’re really inaccessible and hard to use for a lot of other people. […]

My reactions and responses

Here’s something I wrote last summer (after our documentation-group gathering at work) but ended up not posting at the time. Yesterday afternoon, as part of our mini-conference at work, I attended a session about how to usefully give criticism/negative feedback to co-workers (especially to people who report to you), in which people gave a bunch […]

Exasperation isn’t necessarily the same thing as sympathy

[Note: This post is not in response to any particular instance; it’s about a longstanding pattern.] For many years, I’ve been seeing a certain specific kind of response to people expressing pain, and I’d like to respectfully ask people to think carefully about it before giving this particular kind of response. The pattern goes something […]

The difficulty of metacommunication

It sometimes happens that I’m tense or upset because of something that’s going on, and I talk with someone who isn’t connected to that something, and I behave badly. I get irritable and impatient and snappish and argumentative, and I don’t phrase things carefully. And sometimes while I’m doing that, I know that I’m doing […]