Archive for Life Updates

Productive day

Had a nicely productive day today. For example: Checked off over 20 items on my task list—usually these days I get through about 10 in a given day. (Most of today’s items were either small things or incremental-progress-on-ongoing-projects things, but all of them were good things to get done.) Prepared for cleaners, including getting enough […]

Stack Exchange moderators on strike over AI-related issues

A bunch of Stack Exchange moderators have gone on strike because the company is telling them not to moderate AI-generated posts. There are a bunch of complicated and nuanced aspects to the situation. Here’s my understanding of what’s going on, but I’m not an expert (and I’m biased toward believing the moderators): AI-generated material often […]

Some life updates

Here are a bunch of assorted updates about what I’ve been up to. (No advice, please.) Got my second Shingrix shot and my second Hepatitis B shot yesterday. Had no ill effects for about 24 hours; then this afternoon I got a headache and some general-body acheyness and started feeling a little chilly. Not bad, […]

Incremental-progress projects

Even more than usual, I’m finding lately that it works well for me to take a big project that involves doing the same type of thing many times, and break it up into little chunks, and do one piece every day or two. (No advice on any of this, please.) That kind of incremental-progress is […]

A few good things

(That title seems like it ought to be the title of a crossover fic between A Few Good Men and The Thing. “The truth? You can’t handle the truth! The truth is I’m a shapeshifting alien!” Nom nom nom) A few good things lately: A week or so ago, I improved the lighting in a […]

First pass on old papers done

On the one hand, I’m still feeling kinda generally grumpy. On the other hand, I’m also feeling a little triumphant (grumphant?), because I have finished going through my boxes of old papers. Or at least I’ve finished the first pass of doing that. I now have the following: One plastic bin full of papers to […]

Stressful but productive day

Today was kind of emotionally exhausting, but productive. (No advice, please.) Background: Although Google laid me off back in January, I’m still officially an employee until March 31—just an employee who has no responsibilities and no access to anything. (US law requires them to give two months’ notice for this kind of thing, but doesn’t […]

Cleaning out the plastic-utensils cupboard

Yesterday, I noticed that my silverware drawer was getting hard to close, because restaurant-takeout disposable chopsticks and drinking straws were getting in the way. (I’ll note upfront that this is not an advice-request post; also, please be careful in your comments not to imply that reduction of clutter is inherently or universally good or positive […]

What I’ve been up to

There’s lots that I want to write about, but also lots that I want to do today, so maybe I’ll try a quick-ish (but still on the long side) what-I’ve-been-up-to post and then go try to do some stuff. This is meant as a description of what I’m up to, not as requests for advice. […]

That was the week that wasn’t

I’ve been off work this week. Which has been really nice, but I’ve done very little of what I planned to do with my time off. And that’s fine; rest and relaxation are good. I don’t need to be productive all the time. But even so, it does feel a little like the week slipped […]