Archive for Personal

Additions to my website

A couple months ago, I noticed that for the past six years, a big part of my WordPress website (the section labeled “Hodgepodge”) had consisted of a placeholder page containing a paragraph of lorem ipsum text. Ever since then, I’ve been transferring everything over from my old static pages to WordPress. I’ve now finished doing […]

Some notes on exoticizing real-world cultures in sf

I have some thoughts that I feel like are connected to each other, but they’re not quite cohering into an essay. So here are some not-quite-cohering thoughts. (Content warning for descriptions of various forms of exoticizing/Othering.) Mary Anne wrote an interesting post recently about (among other things) whether non–Sri Lankans are reading the Sri Lankan […]

One voice lifts another

Our flight arrives at the gate over an hour late. Flight attendant asks us to let people through who have tight connections. As soon as the seatbelt lights go off, 3/4 of the passengers stand up and clog the aisle. Two fairly small passengers try to push through, a white woman and a black woman. […]

What does forgiveness mean to you?

I’ve been thinking about forgiveness recently. I don’t have any clear or firm conclusions; this post is just some assorted thoughts. Wikipedia says: Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased […]