Archive for Complexity

Some notes on exoticizing real-world cultures in sf

I have some thoughts that I feel like are connected to each other, but they’re not quite cohering into an essay. So here are some not-quite-cohering thoughts. (Content warning for descriptions of various forms of exoticizing/Othering.) Mary Anne wrote an interesting post recently about (among other things) whether non–Sri Lankans are reading the Sri Lankan […]

n love languages

Gary Chapman’s five love languages paradigm categorizes the kinds of things that make people feel loved/valued. Here’s the original list: receiving gifts quality time words of affirmation acts of service physical touch I find this general paradigm useful—the idea that different people have different modes and approaches that make them feel valued—but I want to […]

More musing about task management

I’ve been contemplating switching from Things (the task-list app that I’ve been using for years now) to OmniFocus. Downloaded and tried out the trial version of OF. Seems interesting so far, but there are various features that I wasn’t quite sure how best to use, so I went looking for more info, and found that […]