Archive for Short Stories
SH Flashback: “Little Gods,” by Tim Pratt
Gender balance in older sf anthologies
Starting points for reading Russ
Assorted life updates
Women with wings
A couple of times in the past week or so, Libana's song “A River of Birds” has come up in...
SH Flashback: “The Disappearance of James H___,” by Hal Duncan
Here's the next Strange Horizons Flashback story: “ The Disappearance of James H___,” by Hal Duncan In a British boarding...
SH Flashback: “Origin,” by Ari Goelman
Here's the next Strange Horizons Flashback story: “Origin,” by Ari Goelman A human superheroine who's dating an alien superhero discovers...
SH Flashback: “Greetings from Kampala,” by Angela Ambroz
Here's the next Strange Horizons Flashback story: “Greetings from Kampala,” by Angela Ambroz During an interstellar war between Hindustani and...
SH Flashback: “Start with Color,” by Bill Kte’pi
Here's the next Strange Horizons Flashback story: “Start with Color,” by Bill Kte'pi In a world where everyone's dreams come...
More multimedia speculative fiction from Jon Bois
Jon Bois's tour-de-force multimedia science fiction future-of-football extravaganza “17776” is now complete. 25 brief chapters. Well worth reading/viewing, even for...
My year in books
In 2016, I read 172 books; an average of roughly one every two days. Well, okay, when I say “read,”...